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Work With Us!
Do you know of a community and project that you’d like to support? We partner with tour operators that are committed to sustainability and looking for a reputable organization that provides transparency and accountability to their charitable contributions and give back efforts.
Fiscal Partnership Service
To help you raise funds, we create and manage a donation web page for your destination communities and projects. Your donors can be confident knowing that their support is going through a reputable non-profit with a 501(c)(3) designation allowing their donations to be tax deductible. Then we transfer funds to your project. For this service, we retain a 10% administrative fee.
Fiscal Sponsorship Benefits
A custom donation web page for your project
Sample fundraising letters
Help with project vetting for transparency and sustainability
Wire transfer of funds to community projects
Project Management Services
Does your organization have the time, skills, and experience to manage a community development project? If not, we can manage your project to remove the burden from your organization. We use an extensive vetting process to assess a proposed project for transparency and soundness, and will work directly with you and your community partners to ensure their project is set up for long-term success.
Our project management services focus on:
Establishing Community Buy-In
Strategizing on Ensuring Sustainability
Reporting on Progress and long-term success to ensure transparency to Donors
In return, Crooked Trails retains a 20% project management fee. For that we provide the services in the Fiscal Sponsorship program plus:
A dedicated project manager working with your community partner and reporting to you.
Management and guidance in your fundraising strategy
Social media outreach through Crooked Trails channels
Annual Sponsorship
In addition to partnering with Crooked Trails on specific community projects, industry partners can also make an annual contribution to Crooked Trails to support our programs and initiatives.
Consider an ongoing or one time donation to receive the benefits below.
Listed as major sponsor on website home page
Quarterly social media post
Listed on sponsor page
Link & Logo on our homepage
Featured trip on website
Voting member of Projects Committee
Included in all e-newsletters
Included in annual donor newsletter
Quarterly projects update