Apply for A COmmunity grant
We support tourism-focused economic development projects in local communities around the world. All projects are implemented with a focus on environmental, economic, and social sustainability.
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Crooked Trails to carry out a project in your community!
Crooked Trails works with communities throughout the globe to support the development and advancement of community-based tourism projects. Tourism can potentially improve the quality of life for communities in many ways, such as economic, cultural, health, and environmental. The primary focus of Crooked Trails' community grants and projects is to support the advancement of sustainable and regenerative tourism.
To make sure that your proposed project is a good fit for Crooked Trails, we use a vetting process that reflects our mission and is accountable to our funders and partners. Our grants range in amounts up to US$5,000.00
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed by our Board of Directors.
Core Values of Crooked Trails' Projects
1. The project is owned and organized by the local community where the project or initiative takes place.
Ownership is about who makes the decisions, not specifically a deed or bill of sale. Partner organizations must demonstrate how community members have a voice in determining any project's need, scope, ad outcome.
2. It is connected to and advances sustainable and regenerative travel.
The mission and history of Crooked Trails reflect the belief that travel can and should benefit both travelers and the host community. Ensure that your submission demonstrates that it is connected to and how it advances sustainable and regenerative travel. Carefully describe how your project will accomplish both of these.
3. It is manageable for Crooked Trails staff and volunteers to oversee if needed, and the project is financially sustainable.
Appropriate projects will consider the amount of staff and volunteers needed to manage the project. Also, an appropriate project will outline and document the money needed to cover management and other administrative expenses if Crooked Trails is required to take over managing the project.
Travel Industry and Community Partners
Travel Industry and Community Partners are encouraged to submit a grant or project proposal.
To be eligible for consideration, they must be an organized group or entity in or near the benefiting community leading the project. Crooked Trails will consider community projects from:
Non-profit / NGO
Community Group
Collective or Initiative
Government entity
Community Projects and Grants must:
Have internal controls in place to ensure accountability.
Have a clear leader or leaders of the organization and project.
List the names of all person(s) who make decisions.
A board or community council.
Have documented decision-making protocols.
Have a record of audits or reports produced to demonstrate legitimacy.
Have an organized plan to carry out the project, including a timeline, budget, and deliverables or intended results.
Include if Crooked Trails has supported this organization or program before.
Address Sustainable and Regenerative Travel Initiatives
With its roots in the travel industry, Crooked Trails has seen firsthand the power of community-based tourism. Travel can and should provide clear and tangible benefits to the community and the environment. It is important to address sustainable and regenerative travel initiatives in your community project proposal.
What is the problem or issue the project will help or solve?
How does the project improve the lives of the community?
Who and how many people will be impacted by this project?
Demonstrate Financial and Administrative Sustainability
With support from organizations like Crooked Trails, communities can harness tourism to increase the economic and cultural position of the destination.
The project must be sustainable - financially and administratively - for Crooked Trails to consider it. An estimate of the required staff and volunteer time and corresponding staffing plan should be completed before approval of a project.
Identify how the funding will cover all project costs, materials, and wages paid to non-volunteers and staff.
Include the target start and completion dates.
Describe how the success of this project will be measured.
Funding Process
Funding for community projects and grants comes from several sources:
Donations from Crooked Trails supporters
Existing funds dedicated by Crooked Trails
Partnering organizations such as tour operators
The organization promotes funding platforms to their community via social media, email, or events.
Project organizers may be required to seek matching funding.
Process for Receiving Funding Projects or Grants
There are several ways that Crooked Trails will receive prospective projects.
A travel industry or community partner will complete a submission form and send it to info@crookedtrails.org.
A staff person, board member, or other volunteer brings an already-formed idea to the board/staff for consideration.
Crooked Trails could identify an area to invest in and seek out proposals from targeted groups or cast a wider net.
Travel industry or community partners could approach Crooked Trails for support on an initiative. For example, a tour operator working in Guatemala could reach out to Crooked Trails to support an initiative their in-country partners are working on.
A community with a relationship with Crooked Trails could reach out with new ideas and initiatives.
Crooked Trails has supported the advancement of sustainable and regenerative tourism for over two decades.
Apply for a Crooked Trails grant today! We are accepting Community Tourism Grant proposals until March 31, 2024
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