Get Involved
We want travel to be positive for the world, will you join us?
For over twenty years, Crooked Trails has been a leader when it comes to educating and promoting social and environmental sustainability in travel. In addition to supporting community-based tourism in numerous countries around the world, Crooked Trails founded, Travelers Against Plastic, and fundraised for numerous projects in our partner communities. Tour Operators, Travelers, Board Members and Volunteers are critical to our continued success of Crooked Trails!
Crooked Trails is currently seeking business-savvy, travel-experienced, culturally responsible, and committed individuals to join our Board of Directors. We are inviting motivated volunteers with leadership skills, non-profit and business experience, and a passion for community-based tourism. Preferred skills include fundraising, social media marketing, community outreach, and grant research and writing.
If you are interested in positively impacting global travel, please send a letter of interest and your resume to info@crookedtrails.org.
Crooked Trails is currently seeking volunteers and interns to help us with our mission. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about travel and interested in helping local communities take control of tourism in their communities. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work with tour operators, local communities, and our staff to help organize sustainable tourism initiatives. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience in the tourism industry, while also making a positive impact on the lives f people in other countries.
Volunteers can help with participating in community outreach and engagement activities, social media campaigns, supporting local communities with various tasks related to tourism initiatives, volunteering at events and fundraisers, and helping tour operators, travelers, and local communities with fundraising campaigns.
If you are interested, please contact us at info@crookedtrails.org
Have you had the pleasure of traveling and meeting inspiring individuals interested in getting involved in tourism or could benefit from financial or educational support to advance their work? We invite you to nominate them for our sponsorship grants program through Crooked Trails or set up a personal fundraiser to support their efforts.
To learn more about how you can nominate someone for our sponsorship grants program or set up a personal fundraiser with Crooked Trails, please get in touch with us at info@crookedtrails.org. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to support the work of inspiring individuals who are making a positive impact in the world.
If you are interested in or involved in community-based tourism initiatives and are making a positive impact in the world, we would love to hear from you. We want to learn more about the work you are doing and how we can support your efforts. We believe that by working together, we can create a better world through responsible travel.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch with us at info@crookedtrails.com . We are eager to explore opportunities to raise funds for your community partners and share your work with our community.
Thank you for your commitment to community-based tourism and making the world a better pace through travel.
Please share with us more information about your community-based tourism programs! We would love to share your travel programs with our community. If you are looking for financial assistance to continue your ongoing initiatives, we encourage you to visit our Apply For a Community Grant page for potential funding opportunities.