Casa de Altura Homestay Tourism Project

The locals in this region have started charging an entrance fee to help support the residents and the impact the many travelers have had on the remote region.

For the past twenty years, one family in Antofalla has partnered with Socompa Adventure Travel.

In the mid-80s, the late Manuel Ramos opened his house for travelers, explorers, and miners to

Casa de Altura Homestay tourism Project

Instagram photos of the Antofagasta de la Sierra region, located in the northwest of the Argentine province of Catamarca Puna, show dramatic landscapes with iconic peaks and unbelievably blue lakes. It rivals any other gorgeous place on the planet, and because of the increased popularity, the influx of travelers has made the locals in the region feel invaded.

Antofalla is one of several communities in this region and is a small, remote oasis with a population of 60 indigenous residents. It has been declared an "Authentic Village" due to its importance to the cultural heritage of Argentina. The oasis is near the Antofalla Salt Flats, the 21,000-foot tall remote Antofalla Volcano, and the 15,311-foot trek over the Passeo de los Colorados. It is a beacon of adventure, offering trekking, camping, rafting, and landscape photography, and has, in recent years, seen an alarming increase in visitors.

experience a homestay and local cuisine as they traveled to various iconic landscapes, treks, and mines. At that time, an average of three or four guests visited annually.

In 2021, Manuel's son, Anibal Ramos, and his wife, Olga, opened Casa de Altura to honor Manuel's vision of offering an inn and more community-based tourism experiences in one of the most remote areas of the Argentinian Andes. The Ramos family wants to ensure that those visiting the region have a safe, comfortable, and extraordinary stay.

Visitors experience life in the high-altitude desert and learn how to visit the landscape with minimal impact on the flora, fauna, and humans whose livelihood depends on its sustainability. On the outskirts of town, the Ramos family works on their farm, producing almost everything necessary to supply the Casa, such as garlic, beans, corn, and six varieties of heirloom Andean potatoes planted centuries ago.

Casa de Altura has WIFI, five rooms, three with private bathrooms, and a common dining area where guests can enjoy homecooked, locally grown Andean meals such as quinoa and lamb stew, prepared by Olga. The Casa de Altura Homestay Tourism Project is raising funds to expand the inn and add more rooms.

Currently, the town of Antofalla relies on employment provided by the mining companies in the region. Anibal recognizes that the mining companies will decrease or eventually leave.

If the region's popularity grows with travelers, the future of Antofalla will be based on tourism.

The Ramos family sees the benefits of raising their children to understand the importance of the hospitality and travel industry in their small region and educate tourists on the importance of sustainable and regenerative travel while conserving their incredible landscape.

Socompa, Casa de Altura, and the Ramos family want tourists to stay overnight in Casa de Altura to help create job opportunities, empower the local community to support local projects and protect the natural and cultural heritage of the Antofalla oasis.

This project is raising $7,600 US dollars to fund an expansion of Casa de Altura and provide hospitality and customer service training to Antofalla residents.

The funds will help pay the cost of transportation and construction materials for improvements and furnishings for two additional bedrooms, along with training services to engage the community in sustainable travel opportunities and tourism services such as food experiences, history tours, and immersive cultural heritage events.

Socompa Adventure Travel and Crooked Trails invite you to support this unique project of expanding Casa de Altura. This project will benefit the small Indigenous community of Antofalla in a remote Argentinian region that is swiftly growing in tourism popularity. Your donations will support sustainable and regenerative efforts to conserve this dynamic and beautiful region and the communities that call it home.

Casa de Altura in Antofalla, Argentina, contact info:

+54 383 403-3574

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